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The NOFI Business Climate Survey 2015

The survey investigated business relations, communication, cooperation and trade impediments between Norway and Finland. This report is an analysis of the survey results and in addition the report is formed as a guideline for enterprises. It should serve as a tool for trade politics and initiatives supporting the favourable business development between Norway and Finland.

The report is available for download at the bottom of this page


The Norwegian Finnish Trade Association, NOFI has conducted a business climate survey in cooperation with Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.
The survey was carried out in spring 2015. Business professionals and experts responded and almost fifty-fifty were Norwegians and Finns. A total of 258 respondents replied to this survey.

Norwegians and Finns feel that they have many similarities in business communication style. They are direct, task focused, honest and reliable. Interesting differences were found in leadership style. Norwegians as more democratic and people oriented, and Finns as more autocratic and bureaucratic.

A sense of commonality between the two countries has clearly been recognized, but Norwegians feel they have even more in common with Sweden and Denmark. Finns ranked Norway in second place after Sweden as the nation closest to their own business style.

The most evident business barriers between the two countries are the lack of common Scandinavian language, limited networking, business culture and regulatory barriers appearing as national protectionism.

NOFI has made some main recommendations based on the survey in order to improve trade and business activity between Norway and Finland.

By combining Norwegian and Finnish expertise and resources we enable competitive mutual advantages. This includes cross-functional skills, i.e. ICT, mobile technology, research, education, cleantech, maritime technologies, material technology and cold climate know-how in the Arctic region. By this, we advance our mutual unique and competitive Norwegian-Finnish success the international market. Initiatives in mutual education and research are important assets in development.



1. Take a Nordic approach and use the unique Nordic strengths that the countries already have in common.

2. Take a straightforward business style, receive and share experiences, do matchmaking and create business initiatives.

3. Prepare to invest for growth in the long term.

4. Encourage increased student and workforce exchange.

5. Support SME business establishment in Norway and Finland.

6. Remove business barriers such as the evident language barrier on the company and interpersonal levels.


The Official Report is Now
Available for Download.


(Released in October 2015)


Haaga-Helia Report: “Norwegian-Finnish business climate 2015” (.pdf)
(Released in May 2015)

For further information please contact

Mr.Klas Blomqvist
Chairman of the Board
+358 (0) 50 469 52 55 | info(a)